Monday 17 September 2018


What is JSP?

  • Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology which is used to develop web pages by inserting Java code into the HTML pages by making special JSP tags. The JSP tags which allow java code to be included into it are <% ----java code----%>.
  • It can consist of either HTML or XML (combination of both is also possible) with JSP actions and commands.
  • It can be used as HTML page, which can be used in forms and registration pages with the dynamic content into it.
  • Dynamic content includes some fields like dropdown, checkboxes, etc. whose value will be fetched from the database.
  • This can also be used to access JavaBeans objects.
  • We can share information across pages using request and response objects.
  • JSP can be used for separation of the view layer with the business logic in the web application.

Here is what we cover in the Course

 TutorialJSP Life Cycle
 TutorialInstall JSP with Jboss Server & Java
 TutorialJSP Elements - JSP Declaration, JSP Syntax, JSP Expression, JSP Comments
 TutorialJSP Directives: Page Include & Taglib Complete Tutorial
 TutorialJSP Implicit Objects: Complete Tutorial
 TutorialJsp Action Tags: useBean, include, forward
 TutorialJSP Expression Language (EL)
 TutorialJSP Exception Handling - Checked Exception, Runtime Exception, Errors Exception
 TutorialJSP MVC
 TutorialJSP Tag Library - JSTL Core & JSP Custom Tags
 TutorialJSP Client Request, Server Response & HTTP Status Codes
 TutorialJSP Cookies Handling with Example
 TutorialJSP Form Processing Using getParameter()
 TutorialJSP Filter Mapping in Web.xml
 TutorialJSP Current Date and Time
 TutorialJSP database connection
 TutorialJSP Program Examples: Registration & Login Form
 TutorialJSP Program Examples: File Upload and Download
 TutorialDebug JSP Using Java Logger, Println statements & Debugging tools


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